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1635 S Walnut St
Burlington, WA, 98233
United States

(360) 757-7565

Preschool Program

Lil’ Novas

Ages 3-4
45-minute class

Immerse your young one in a dynamic class tailored to foster age-appropriate motor skill development for 3-4 year olds. Utilizing a wide array of Olympic events and innovative tools crafted specifically for this age group, our program goes beyond mere physical activity. Through engaging activities, your child will not only enhance their motor skills and physical fitness but also cultivate vital social interactions and boost self-confidence. Join us in this holistic journey of growth and fun!

Mondays Wednesday

3:00 PM 10:00 AM

4:15 PM 4:15 PM

FriDay Saturday

11:00 AM 9:00 AM

Mighty Blast Ninja class

Ages 3-5
45-minute class

Get ready for an action-packed adventure that’s perfect for your energetic little warrior! In our Mighty Blast Ninja Class, kids will leap, tumble, and navigate their way through an exciting ninja obstacle course designed to challenge their coordination, balance, and strength. Packed with climbing, jumping, and exploring, this class encourages confidence, builds agility, and keeps things fun and engaging. Watch as your child discovers their inner ninja while making new friends and burning off energy in a positive, supportive environment! Perfect for kids who love to move, play, and take on new challenges.

Tuesday FriDay

10:00 AM 10:00 AM