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1635 S Walnut St
Burlington, WA, 98233
United States

(360) 757-7565

Events and Open Gym Calendar

Open Playtime
11:00 AM11:00

Open Playtime

Bring your little ones to explore, play, and tumble in our safe, fun-filled gymnastics facility! With soft mats, mini trampolines, and plenty of space to run and jump, it's the perfect place for young adventurers to burn off energy and make new friends.

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Open Gym
7:15 PM19:15

Open Gym

Join us for Open Gym! This unstructured playtime offers kids a chance to explore, practice skills, and have fun in a safe, supervised environment. Perfect for burning off energy and making new friends!

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Open Playtime
11:00 AM11:00

Open Playtime

Bring your little ones to explore, play, and tumble in our safe, fun-filled gymnastics facility! With soft mats, mini trampolines, and plenty of space to run and jump, it's the perfect place for young adventurers to burn off energy and make new friends.

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Open Playtime
11:00 AM11:00

Open Playtime

Bring your little ones to explore, play, and tumble in our safe, fun-filled gymnastics facility! With soft mats, mini trampolines, and plenty of space to run and jump, it's the perfect place for young adventurers to burn off energy and make new friends.

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Open Gym
7:15 PM19:15

Open Gym

Join us for Open Gym! This unstructured playtime offers kids a chance to explore, practice skills, and have fun in a safe, supervised environment. Perfect for burning off energy and making new friends!

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Open Playtime
11:00 AM11:00

Open Playtime

Bring your little ones to explore, play, and tumble in our safe, fun-filled gymnastics facility! With soft mats, mini trampolines, and plenty of space to run and jump, it's the perfect place for young adventurers to burn off energy and make new friends.

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6:30 PM18:30

Parent's Night Out

Treat yourself to a well-deserved break with Nova Elite Gymnastics' Parents' Night Out! Drop the kids off for an evening packed with fun, games, movies, and Pizza while you enjoy a night to yourself. Kids will stay active and entertained with exciting activities, crafts, and snacks in a safe and supervised environment. Don’t miss this perfect opportunity to relax while your kiddos have a blast! Spaces are limited, so reserve your spot today!

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Open Gym
7:15 PM19:15

Open Gym

Join us for Open Gym! This unstructured playtime offers kids a chance to explore, practice skills, and have fun in a safe, supervised environment. Perfect for burning off energy and making new friends!

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Preschool Story Time
11:00 AM11:00

Preschool Story Time

Join us the first Thursday each month for an hour of story time and free play! Our dedicated Burlington Public Library librarian will weave captivating stories to spark imagination. Following the storytelling session, head to the gymnasium for interactive play, swinging, and exploration!!.

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Open Gym
1:00 PM13:00

Open Gym

Join us for Open Gym! This unstructured playtime offers kids a chance to explore, practice skills, and have fun in a safe, supervised environment. Perfect for burning off energy and making new friends!

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Open Gym
7:15 PM19:15

Open Gym

Join us for Open Gym! This unstructured playtime offers kids a chance to explore, practice skills, and have fun in a safe, supervised environment. Perfect for burning off energy and making new friends!

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